Setting Up Shop:
Ethical Private Practice Basics
Attendees of this course will be introduced to the premises of establishing, operating, and maintaining an ethical private clinical practice.
Assessing professional identity, learning, and working styles, and scope of practice guidelines will be addressed as well as issues of office considerations such as location, space, and time considerations. Business structure, financial concerns, insurance, and record keeping, liability issues and marketing matters will be covered in addition to private practice etiquette seldom addressed in other similar courses.
Based upon the prolific work of Frederic Reamer and Kenneth S. Pope, ethical considerations will be discussed throughout the course. Suicidology within a private practice setting will be a specific segment.
The day will close with an open, working group to assist attendees in creating a “plan of action” in order to move forward with opening a new practice or solidifying a newly established private practice.
Virtually facilitated by
Kim Anderson, MSW, LCSW, ATR-BC, REAT and Nicole Landwehr, MSW, LCSW, REAT, CST. Setting Up Shop will be presented via Zoom. Participants will receive an invitation and password upon registration.
Saturday, August 14, 2021
9:00am - 4:00pm
one hour lunch break is allotted
Online Via Zoom
+ $15.00 for CEU Certificate

No product
Zoom Workshop
August 14, 2021
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Or click on the form icon to the right and complete your registration another way.