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Kim Anderson is the author of Culturally Considerate School Counseling:  Helping Without Bias (2010), co-author of Creating Culturally Considerate Schools:  Educating Without Bias (2012), both published by Corwin Press, and What Grown-Ups Need to Know About Art Therapy for Kids (MabelMedia InnerPrizes 2013).  She also contributed a chapter to TRAYVON MARTIN, RACE, AND AMERICAN JUSTICE: WRITING WRONG  (Sense Publishers, 2014). Kim presents her eclectic work at numerous local, regional and national events and venues, engaging her audience through compelling narrative, careful research, evocative experiences, and instructive storytelling.  She is currently working on a book based upon one of her many clinical workshops.  As an assistant professor, Kim has taught social work courses from Introduction to Research and developed an Expressive Arts concentration at area universities.  She has also served as interim field director of social work.
helping without bias


Resources and support for social workers, creative arts therapists, school counselors & psychologists, educators and administrators, adjunct and auxiliary professionals, organizations and school districts. Kim is registered supervisor by the Missouri state licensure board for clinical social workers and is a board certified art therapist and is now taking applications for a licensure supervision group.


In addition to clinical training for mental health professionals and expressive arts therapists, Kim offers experiential workshops for schools, agencies and organizations.  Her work focuses on building multicultural communities through art and other accessible media.


For more information regarding workshops please follow this link to the contact page to inquire about Kim's availability, formats, price quotes, and bulk orders for books.

educating for change


As a Corwin Press author, Kim provided experiential workshops for schools and educational organizations such as Title I.  Through Educating for Change, a consulting firm owned by author and veteran educator, Bonnie M. Davis, Kim worked toward creating culturally considerate K-12 schools.


Kim has been an Adjunct Professor and Coordinator of the Expressive Arts and Integrative Therapies Certificate Program at Fontbonne University, St. Louis, Missouri. She also held the interim position of Field Director and Assistant Professor at Maryville University, St. Louis, Missouri.

Due to the challenges of COVID-19, Kim has developed options for both Expressive Arts Therapy and verbal Clinical Training.  Please see current workshops and/or training schedule at the right of this screen.

artful journeys


Individual consultation and community based

classes are also offered for those who wish to set

out on an exploration of creative, spiritual, or

mindful pursuits.  Writing the Women's Way:

A Creative Writing Workhop Honoring the Feminine

Way of Mind and Hot Flashes, Cool Stories:  The Muse at

Menopause are two such classes.  Others include

"Righting" Creatvely:  Trickster Tales and Other April Fools and Art and Music:  An Introduction to Expressive Therapies for Wellness.

From the living fountain of instinct flows everything that is creative.

-- Carl Gustav Jung

The power of the world always works in circles and everything tends to be round.

-- Black Elk

We are living art, created to hang on, stand up, forbear, continue, and encourage others.

-- Maya Angelou




CREATING A PROPER GOODBYE:  A Two-Part Workshop on Clinical Closure (All day Advanced Practice Course)

American Art Therapy Association

Annual Conference

San Diego, CA

Wednesday, October 25, 2023





KCCARES Conference

St. Louis, MO

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Reflections of Grief:  Loss in the Lives of Expressive Arts Therapists

IEATA, International Expressive Arts Association 15th Annual Conference, Taiwan

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Expressive Arts & Integrative Therapies Certificate Program

Introduction to Expressive Arts Therapy:  Ethical Use of Creative Arts for non-Creative Arts Therapists

March 25, 2023, 1:00pm - 5:00pm

Live and Interactive via Zoom

4 CEU Credits including 3 ethics approved by the Missouri Department of Professional Registration

Endings in Clinical Practice:

A Two-Part Workshop:

  1)Best Practices for Ethical         Termination

  2) Clinician Survival After a          Client Suicide

August 5, 2022

10:00am to 4:00pm

5 CEU Credits including 3 ethics

and 2 suicidology approved by the Missouri Department of Professional Registration


The Role of Expressive Arts Therapies in Documenting Historic Memory: Outsider Art, Art Brut, Folk Art and Craft as Alchemical Archive

International Expressive Therapies Association Annual Conference, January 15, 2022


Advanced Skill Training:

Expressive Arts & Integrative Therapies

Fontbonne University

August 1-4, 2019

30 hrs of CEUs available

One Day Break-Out Session focused on Expressive Arts for Trauma Treatment

Self-Care for the Care-Giver:  Nurturing the Nurse

Goldfarb School of Nursing, St. Louis

May 30, 2019

The Role of Expressive Arts Therapies in Documenting Historic Memory: Outsider Art, Art Brut, Folk Art and Craft as Alchemical Archive


Missouri History Museum

May 18, 2018

Advanced Skill Training:

Expressive Arts & Integrative Therapies

Fontbonne University

August 2-5, 2018

30 hrs of CEUs available



AATA Featured Member

February 16, 2017












Advanced Skills Training:  Human Trafficking

Fontbonne University,

t. Louis, MO

September 2017


Workshop:  The Trickster in Treatment, Expressive Arts Summit, NYC

November 10 - 13, 2016


Workshop:  Culturally Considerate Art Therapy:  Drawing from Our Differences

Illinois Art Therapy Association

October 22, 2016


Book Chapter, No Heroes Here: Neighborhood Watchfulness and the Role of Narcissistic Altruism in the Killing of Trayvon Martin in














© 2024 Kim Anderson

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